Wednesday 4 May 2011

Final Reflection

On reflection, doing this assignment People Places Things and Events was really a challenging experience for me. To begin with, I am no computer wizard and the word blogging sounds foreign to me. I found it frustrating at times trying to figure out what to do on the computer but I tried to keep a positive attitude and kept reminding myself that I can do it.   My perseverance paid off and with the help and support of my lecturer, my fellow classmates and some of my family members I am now writing my final personal reflection. 

In today’s “tech age” I believe that it is an advantage to have the knowledge and skills on how to use the computer. Doing this assignment made me realize this. Introducing the children with modern technology is beneficial in the long run. The emphasis here is not on what children can learn about ICT but on how interactions with adults/peers can enhance learning in activities facilitated for children. Te Whariki states that in order to participate in this world, our children will need the confidence to develop their own perspective as well as the capacity to continue acquiring new knowledge and skills (cited in Smorti, 1999). 

I think Modern Technology is related or similar to everything. It has both advantages and drawbacks. It really depends on how we use these tools – how we as educators provide opportunities for children to have access to a wide range of thoughtful and meaningful experiences that will help children make sense of their world (Ministry of Education, 1996).

All of my fellow students feedback was unanimous in that if you correlate and integrate “Technology” into all areas of the curriculum, this will enhance children’s learning and development. The response from my fellow students feedback has been thought provoking and encouraging. 

 In conclusion, by completing this assignment “People Places Things and Events” I have now realized the importance of continued upskilling in the fields of Technology which will enable me to share my knowledge with children in an enjoyable, meaningful and positive way. “Today’s Technology is Tomorrows Key for a successful learning and partnership.”

Reference List
Smorti, S. (1999). Technology in Early Childhood. Early 
       Education, No.19 Autumn 1999.

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